Checking your development environment
In this reading, you’ll recap fundamental concepts related to setting up your development environment correctly in preparation for developing the Little Lemon reserve-a-table web app functionality.
General setup
To setup and check your development environment, you’ll need to revisit several resources from other courses in this program:
- Introduction to Back-End Development: Setting up your local development environment
- Programming with Python: Installing Python on Windows
- Programming with Python: Installing Python paths on macOS
- Version control: Installing Git on Windows
- Version control: Installing Git on macOS
- The Django framework: Creating your first project
- The Django framework: Configuring MySQL Connection
- APIs: Setting up tools and environment
- APIs: Installing and setting up DRF
In this reading, you recapped the process of ensuring your development environment is set up and ready to go, which you can apply to setting up the development environment for your project.
Having all the necessary requirements sorted out and taken care of might prevent errors as you start developing your React app.
Additional resources
Here is a list of resources that may be helpful as you continue your learning journey. These resources provide some more in-depth information on the topics covered in this module.
- Installing Python
- Installing Git
- Installing Django
- Creating you first Django project
- Configuring a MySQL Connection
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